THE PIXELARITY (needs explaining)
Charlie conceived and wrote the outline for initial series, but it was produced by experts in children’s entertainment.
While working at Maker Studios the sheer reach and power of Minecraft was evident. But, due to the owner’s instance on keeping the platform pure it was something brands struggled to involve themselves with. We developed The Pixelarity, an animated web series as way of lending the equity built by Minecraft, our YouTube influencers, and their millions of fans to brands. The first series gained over 2.6M views within a week.
Each episode follows a different YouTube influencer and their Minecraft avatar into The Pixelarity, an ever-changing world of adventure. The themes of the episode ape those found within our influencers YouTube channels, so the migrating audiences are immediately familiar with the world and engaged in the plot, the format also allows us to feature any number of stars to reach the widest audience.
The series was shortlisted for a Broadcast Digital award.